Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Little Feet In A Big World



  I constantly am reminded to enjoy every bit of my child even if it's the time consuming time outs or snacks past midnight. (One of my best pals would get this one).
Since mother nature decided to pour out a snow storm for the past 3 days, I've had time to reflect on my life and really look at the little things that pass before our eyes.

One of them was how small my 3 year old Madison's footprints were. During our fun filled days spent outside, I've had the joy of really soaking in all the beautiful moments spent with my child . I am guilty by taking for granted those small things that can mean so dear to our hearts. I am especially reminded when we are on our way to Madison's school to drop her off in the mornings. There is not one time that goes by where I think one day she won't let me hold her hand, or give her kisses in front of her friends, just being this small won't last. I even crack a tear when I drop her off knowing I am leaving my pride and joy in the hands of another person. (yes, I'm that mom)

Think about it. Our children are so fragile, unique, and so tiny in such a big world! With growing minute by minute, their little brains are constantly learning and absorbing the everyday surroundings that we teach them. They are just little hearts filled with so much innocence and love.

So friends, today go on and really admire everything your children do and soak in the littlest moments. One day we will sit and wish we would have done it. Don't wait, because time as I'm writing this is ticking. And our sweet little babies will be won't be babies forever. Stare into their eyes and connect with them. Embrace their bad moods and temper tantrums...after all, they're just little feet in a big world.

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