Friday, January 17, 2014

Bust A Move


Let's have an honest session here...who neglects their daily staying healthy, fit and active routines? Ready... Go... ME! I am my own worst enemy at times with this. I constantly have always battled keeping up with my daily workouts and being true to myself. After having a child, I seemed as if it got worse to these commitments. As every year the New Year would bring "I am doing it", well as the years went by my New Years resolution always went down the drain. For whatever reason I found excuses and my summer days were spent at the lake house drinking vino..I mean why would I want to workout on 75 degree sunny days? Well that was the "Id" in me always talking. What I would do is eat anything under the sun that had sugar and fat because in my mind I could. Well yes, I could but I really wasn't being true by having "cheat days" which ended up turning into an everyday being a ''cheat day" for me. You are probably thinking whoa Nelly where's the control? And that's right, I had none for myself. Pathetic? More like triple 100 times pathetic. There would be times where I couldn't even look at french fries or a brownie without having a stare down for 10 minutes debating on whether or not that's going in my stomach or being left alone. (I bet you want to know who won) Sad but true my eyes and stomach won..Dang it! I did it again..I was left in a war with myself. But you see there is hope. It's call fighting the fight and finding it inside yourself to actually do something about it! I made it a point to start a run routine 4 days a week in the summer of 2013 at a park down the road from me, but as even the days got at a higher temperature I began to slow it down and eventually it because at a halt. See, I did it again. Failed to complete what needs to be a lifestyle change. I don't like to call it diet. Diet is a fad and is temporary. Lifestyle change is changing what you eat and making the healthy choices a part of who you are permanently. After the ring of the New Year of 2014 I cracked. I cracked over the fact that I, me, myself couldn't hold on to a commitment.
This is where I will share my handy dandy workout routines with you that I have incorporated into my everyday life. Let's just say I'm on day 8 with the Tracy Anderson Method and Zumba 3 days a week...

One thing you can do is if you have children, include them into your workout. (It's good to drive them to a healthy start at a young age) . Make your workouts fun, challenging and one of your "feel good" things to get your day going.
I'm no health coach or nutritionist, but my routines that have helped me along the way, I want to share with all of you! I want to encourage whoever you are out there to never to neglect yourself or make excuses for why you don't have time to stay healthy. Let me tell you, I was at that place and I never want to revisit it again! When I workout and eat healthy, I am such a happier human being. Not only does it release the endorphins, but by the end of a workout you want to pat yourself on the back for striving to be better and keeping the commitment. The night owl in me, I prefer my workouts in the evening so whatever preference you have do it to your liking! Plus, I believe in mind over matter. If you already put your mind into that you are dreading it, it would be a dreadful workout. But if you start with a smile on your face, and find that something that pumps you up, then your workout will be determination and success. Don't put it down before it even started. (I am speaking from my own experiences).
Now with that being said, I believe we all have to indulge into junk food(in moderation) once in awhile so we don't deprive ourselves from it. We all know how temptation can chew us and spit us right out.
So ladies and gents go bust a move today! Today, I did my Tracy Anderson Method already and feel like a million bucks. I promise you will too! Find a workout that suites you best!

Look forward to my upcoming post for tips and my routines!
Happy Healthy Day!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bonding With Nature

Who would have thought technology would have taken over our lives in a sense? From cell phones to social media, it some how wrapped us around it's little finger. I admit, I'm even guilty of the distasteful habit. Electronics seem to be constantly at our nose and I feel it's more important than ever to get our children outdoors more so than not. In my deepest belief children need to use their imagination to discover more than what's inside their everyday life. Teach them the names of flowers and trees, or even explain how they grow. Teach them the rotation of the earth and why the sun comes out more days then others. Can you tell I am a big advocate on this? (with a smile)

From my own personal outcomes getting my daughter outside as much as possible throughout the day and taking the time to explain things about the nature around us has always made a positive impact by giving her a sense of understanding and knowledge. As it was engraved into me always to get outdoors (I can thank my parents for that one), I want to pass that importance to my child.

As I ponder on these thoughts daily, I hope I am out there inspiring people as I am surrounded by people whom inspire me. I leave you with...

Today look into the sky and dissect the trees around you. Go with nature..(with your children too).
I promise it will be worth it.

"Look deep into nature...and you will understand everything better"-Albert Einstein

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Little Feet In A Big World



  I constantly am reminded to enjoy every bit of my child even if it's the time consuming time outs or snacks past midnight. (One of my best pals would get this one).
Since mother nature decided to pour out a snow storm for the past 3 days, I've had time to reflect on my life and really look at the little things that pass before our eyes.

One of them was how small my 3 year old Madison's footprints were. During our fun filled days spent outside, I've had the joy of really soaking in all the beautiful moments spent with my child . I am guilty by taking for granted those small things that can mean so dear to our hearts. I am especially reminded when we are on our way to Madison's school to drop her off in the mornings. There is not one time that goes by where I think one day she won't let me hold her hand, or give her kisses in front of her friends, just being this small won't last. I even crack a tear when I drop her off knowing I am leaving my pride and joy in the hands of another person. (yes, I'm that mom)

Think about it. Our children are so fragile, unique, and so tiny in such a big world! With growing minute by minute, their little brains are constantly learning and absorbing the everyday surroundings that we teach them. They are just little hearts filled with so much innocence and love.

So friends, today go on and really admire everything your children do and soak in the littlest moments. One day we will sit and wish we would have done it. Don't wait, because time as I'm writing this is ticking. And our sweet little babies will be won't be babies forever. Stare into their eyes and connect with them. Embrace their bad moods and temper tantrums...after all, they're just little feet in a big world.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Feel Good Post

Do you ever yearn for just that one thing that makes the soul feel good? Perhaps it's ten minutes of sunshine to the face or dancing in your pajamas. Whatever it is, I say go do more of what feeds the starved.

Always remind yourself not to let the busy days overload the mind. It is very easy for us (especially moms) to let go of just that ONE thing that makes us go "Ah". Truthfully, as I would like to call them "the feel good things" should always be a priority to your everyday!  They are the things that fuel our fire for a good day!

As I could ramble on about how many feel good things that jump start my day, I will leave it with just one and this is: A cup of Jo!  I just don't like coffee, I am highly obsessed with it! There are days when busy is an understatement and if I haven't had my cup of sunshine my world feels upside down. The smell of fresh brewing coffee with sunshine peeking through the windows on a cool fall is my idealistic day for it. Coffee is an accessory of mine!

So what are you waiting for pals? Do something today that makes your day turn from nah to ah!

So what is your feel good things?

Pearls & Prairies Is Now Unleashed!

Hiya world! After four long attempts of creating a blog, I finally set aside some time to board the motivation train and write. As I open my journey of life to all of you, I hope you all enjoy my open book! But wait! First, grab yourself a cup of coffee and put your busy day at a halt. We all need time to unwind our body and mind…
Over the course of years I found writing was a deep form of therapy for me. It clears the air, or more say cleanses the soul. So here I am, sharing everything with you all! Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride…

I came up with the name “Pearls & Prairies” actually one day in the shower..Strange? Yes, I know (my thinking cap is revved when I’m in a peaceful setting). After several days of pondering on a name that described me the most, I became unglued. Boom! It hit me… I turned to my inner being that we ALL (and I mean all) of us have.
I knew I always yearned for the city life, the way the abundance of sky scrapers and lights made my heart skip a beat. The sound of taxis honking made me feel at ease. The quaint coffee shops turned my head at every corner. The smell of diesel somehow made me feel at home. I often envisioned living the posh city life that consisted of white shiny pearls and ruby- red lips.
(I bet you can guess where I am going with this)
That’s where I chose the name Pearls. Half of me is a lover of the city. 

Now, you see. The other piece of me is shifted to pure nature. Country fields and blue skies. The taste of sweet tea on a summer day. The smell of grass after it has just been mowed. Prairies full of sunshine rays and the sound of silence.
That’s where I chose the name Prairies. The other half of me is a lover of the country life.

Friends! I am feeling pretty jubilant to share my first time blog with you. And my upcoming post will be more a lot exciting (I promise).
I will be posting daily ideas, crafts, mommy hood talk, fasion trends, healthy tips, recipes, photos, spiritual guidance tips, quotes of the day, and so much more on life tasks!
I leave you with…
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” –Buddha

*Photos taken by me.